
Girl Scouts – Several Girl Scout Troops  meet here.  Please check our church calendar for the weekly dates and times.

Calvary Refuge Center (Homeless Shelter & Transitional Housing) – About once a month Bethel volunteers prepare a delicious meal and make sandwiches for the families residing at Calvary Refuge Center.  We will serve the families and share in table fellowship.  If individuals or groups would like to volunteer in this ministry please check the calendar for upcoming dates.  Usually we meet on the Saturday of service at 4:00 pm at Bethel to prepare the dinner and all items to be carried to the shelter.  5:30 pm we are loading our cars heading to Calvary.  For further details speak to Catherine Johnson – Chairperson of Missions. 

Helping in His Name Food Pantry –  The third Sunday of each month is mission Sunday at Bethel.  Packages of beans and rice are brought to the church placed on the altar or in the bin located in the Narthex.  These items are delivered to Helping in His Name Food Pantry for the hungry in Henry County. 

Friend’s House – The third Sunday of each month is mission Sunday at Bethel.  A little wooden house is placed in the Narthex for dollars or spare change to benefit The Friend’s House, an organization that provides shelter for children in crisis in Henry County.