Director of Music Ministry (Part-Time)
Bethel Methodist Church, a caring and welcoming multicultural congregation, seeks a part-time Director of Music Ministries. This spiritual leader will be an instrument of God using their gifts to assist spiritual growth through music and arts. Responsibilities will be coordinating, planning, and implementing a comprehensive music ministry for the congregation and community, including adults, youth, and children. Currently, Bethel is meeting for one worship service at 11:00. There may be multiple worship services in the future, offered Sundays or on a week-day evening. Experience leading contemporary, traditional and blended worship services and working with audio equipment will be helpful.
Additional details and qualifications provided upon request.
Please email: sprc@bethelmethodist.church
Audio Visual
The audio visual team is seeking helpers to operate the sound board, computers and camera. You will be trained in how our system works. Help is needed for 11:00 am worship services and special events. You will be joining a team of other volunteers. The more volunteers available the easier it is to rotate the serving schedules. Many hands make light work. Please contact the church office if you are interested.
Office Secretary
Bethel’s volunteer secretarial staff is in need of other volunteers. Pray and ask if God is calling you to be that friendly voice and face to greet his children. If interested in serving in this ministry, please contact the church office.
Altar Guild
Have you noticed that the paraments on the altar and pulpit change colors throughout the year. Throughout the calendar year the colors represent the liturgical season. For example it is red at Pentecost, purple during Advent and Lent, white for Christmas, Baptism, and Trinity Sundays. Faithful servants see to the changing of the paraments and decorating of the altar. Please consider serving with the altar guild. You may contact the church office to sign up.